2022 APFS Advent Challenge Day 9 - Volume Superblock Objects

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

In this blog post, we will explore the Volume Superblock in APFS, a critical data structure containing important information about an individual APFS volume. We will discuss locating the Volume Superblock on disk and describe some fields in the on-disk format. By the end of this post, you should better understand the volume Superblock’s role in the APFS file system and how to parse its on-disk structure.

Locating Volume Superblocks

Every volume in APFS has a Volume Superblock Object that serves as the root source of on-disk information about the volume and its file system. These are virtual objects whose references are managed by the Container’s Object Map. Once you understand how to parse an Object Map, identifying the on-disk location of these superblocks is simple.

  1. Read the nx_max_file_systems field of the NX Superblock Object to determine the maximum number of volumes that the container can support.

  2. Enumerate the nx_fs_oid array looking for the non-zero virtual object identifiers of each Volume Superblock Object. The identifiers may not always be stored contiguously in the array, but all array entries after nx_max_file_systems will always be zero.

  3. Query the Container’s Object Map to locate the physical address of each Volume Superblock.

On-Disk Structures

Volume Superblock Objects are stored on disk as apfs_superblock_t structures. We will discuss many of these structure fields in detail throughout this series. Below is a short description of each.

#define APFS_MAGIC 0x41504342 // APSB
#define APFS_MAX_HIST 8
#define APFS_VOLNAME_LEN 256

// Volume Superblock
typedef struct apfs_superblock {
    obj_phys_t apfs_o;                                  // 0x00
    uint32_t apfs_magic;                                // 0x20
    uint32_t apfs_fs_index;                             // 0x24
    uint64_t apfs_features;                             // 0x28
    uint64_t apfs_readonly_compatible_features;         // 0x30
    uint64_t apfs_incompatible_features;                // 0x38
    uint64_t apfs_unmount_time;                         // 0x40
    uint64_t apfs_fs_reserve_block_count;               // 0x48
    uint64_t apfs_fs_quota_block_count;                 // 0x50
    uint64_t apfs_fs_alloc_count;                       // 0x58
    wrapped_meta_crypto_state_t apfs_meta_crypto;       // 0x60
    uint32_t apfs_root_tree_type;                       // 0x74
    uint32_t apfs_extentref_tree_type;                  // 0x78
    uint32_t apfs_snap_meta_tree_type;                  // 0x7C
    oid_t apfs_omap_oid;                                // 0x80
    oid_t apfs_root_tree_oid;                           // 0x88
    oid_t apfs_extentref_tree_oid;                      // 0x90
    oid_t apfs_snap_meta_tree_oid;                      // 0x98
    xid_t apfs_revert_to_xid;                           // 0xA0
    oid_t apfs_revert_to_sblock_oid;                    // 0xA8
    uint64_t apfs_next_obj_id;                          // 0xB0
    uint64_t apfs_num_files;                            // 0xB8
    uint64_t apfs_num_directories;                      // 0xC0
    uint64_t apfs_num_symlinks;                         // 0xC8
    uint64_t apfs_num_other_fsobjects;                  // 0xD0
    uint64_t apfs_num_snapshots;                        // 0xD8
    uint64_t apfs_total_blocks_alloced;                 // 0xE0
    uint64_t apfs_total_blocks_freed;                   // 0xE8
    uuid_t apfs_vol_uuid;                               // 0xF0
    uint64_t apfs_last_mod_time;                        // 0x100
    uint64_t apfs_fs_flags;                             // 0x108
    apfs_modified_by_t apfs_formatted_by;               // 0x110
    apfs_modified_by_t apfs_modified_by[APFS_MAX_HIST]; // 0x140
    uint8_t apfs_volname[APFS_VOLNAME_LEN];             // 0x2C0
    uint32_t apfs_next_doc_id;                          // 0x3C0
    uint16_t apfs_role;                                 // 0x3C4
    uint16_t reserved;                                  // 0x3C6
    xid_t apfs_root_to_xid;                             // 0x3C8
    oid_t apfs_er_state_oid;                            // 0x3D0
    uint64_t apfs_cloneinfo_id_epoch;                   // 0x3D8
    uint64_t apfs_cloneinfo_xid;                        // 0x3E0
    oid_t apfs_snap_meta_ext_oid;                       // 0x3E8
    uuid_t apfs_volume_group_id;                        // 0x3F0
    oid_t apfs_integrity_meta_oid;                      // 0x400
    oid_t apfs_fext_tree_oid;                           // 0x408
    uint32_t apfs_fext_tree_type;                       // 0x410
    uint32_t reserved_type;                             // 0x414
    oid_t reserved_oid;                                 // 0x418
} apfs_superblock_t;                                    // 0x420
  • apfs_o: The object header
  • apfs_magic: Magic value (always APFS_MAGIC)
  • apfs_fs_index: The index of the object identifier for this volume’s file system in the container’s array of file systems
  • apfs_features: A bit-field of the optional features being used by this volume
  • apfs_readonly_compatible_features: A bit-field of the read-only compatible features being used by this volume. (none currently defined)
  • apfs_incompatible_features: A bit-field of the backward-incompatible features being used by this volume
  • apfs_unmount_time: The time that this volume was last unmounted
  • apfs_fs_reserve_block_count: The number of blocks that have been reserved for this volume to allocate
  • apfs_fs_quota_block_count: The maximum number of blocks that this volume can allocate (or zero if no limit)
  • apfs_fs_alloc_count: The number of blocks currently allocated for this volume’s file system
  • apfs_meta_crypto: Information about the key used to encrypt metadata for this volume
  • apfs_root_tree_type: The type of the root file-system tree
  • apfs_extentref_tree_type: The type of the extent-reference tree
  • apfs_snap_meta_tree_type: The type of the snapshot metadata tree
  • apfs_omap_oid: The physical object identifier of the volume’s object map
  • apfs_root_tree_oid: The virtual object identifier of the root file-system tree
  • apfs_extentref_tree_oid: The physical object identifier of the extent-reference tree
  • apfs_snap_meta_tree_oid: The physical object identifier of the snapshot metadata tree
  • apfs_revert_to_xid: The transaction identifier of a snapshot that the volume will revert to (or zero if not reverting)
  • apfs_revert_to_sblock_oid: The physical object identifier of a volume superblock that the volume will revert to (or zero i not reverting)
  • apfs_next_obj_id: The next identifier that will be assigned to a file-system object in this volume
  • apfs_num_files: The number of regular files in this volume
  • apfs_num_directories: The number of directories in this volume
  • apfs_num_symlinks: The number of symbolic links in this volume
  • apfs_num_other_fsobjects: The number of other files in this volume
  • apfs_num_snapshots: The number of snapshots in this volume
  • apfs_total_blocks_alloced: The total number of blocks that have been allocated by this volume
  • apfs_total_blocks_freed: The total number of blocks that have been freed by this volume
  • apfs_vol_uuid: The universally unique identifier for this volume
  • apfs_last_mod_time: The universally unique identifier for this volume
  • apfs_fs_flags: The volume’s flags
  • apfs_formatted_by: Information about the software that created this volume
  • apfs_modified_by: Information about the software that has modified this volume
  • apfs_volname: The name of the volume, represented as a null-terminated UTF-8 string
  • apfs_next_doc_id: The next document identifier that will be assigned
  • apfs_role: The role of this volume within the container
  • reserved: reserved
  • apfs_root_to_xid: The transaction identifier of the snapshot to root from, or zero to root normally
  • apfs_er_state_oid: The object id of the encryption rolling state (or zero if no encryption change is in progress)
  • apfs_cloneinfo_id_epoch: The largest object identifier used by this volume at the time INODE_WAS_EVER_CLONED started storing valid information
  • apfs_cloneinfo_xid: A transaction identifier used with apfs_cloneinfo_id_epoch
  • apfs_snap_meta_ext_oid: The virtual object identifier of the extended snapshot metadata object
  • apfs_volume_group_id: The volume group the volume belongs to (or null UUID if not part of a volume group)
  • apfs_integrity_meta_oid: The virtual object identifier of the integrity metadata object
  • apfs_fext_tree_oid: The virtual object identifier of the file extent tree
  • apfs_fext_tree_type: The type of the file extent tree
  • reserved_type: reserved
  • reserved_oid: reserved

Optional Feature Flags

Optional Feature Flags indicate that the volume uses newer features that older APFS implementations may not support but should be backward compatible with older standards. Implementations that do not support these features should still be able to mount the volume read/write without problems. These bit-flags are stored in the apfs_features field of the Volume Superblock.

Name Value Description
APFS_FEATURE_HARDLINK_MAP_RECORDS 0x00000002 The volume has hardlink map records
APFS_FEATURE_DEFRAG 0x00000004 The volume supports defragmentation
APFS_FEATURE_STRICTATIME 0x00000008 This volume updates file access times every time the file is read
APFS_FEATURE_VOLGRP_SYSTEM_INO_SPACE 0x00000010 This volume supports mounting a system and data volume as a single user-visible volume

Incompatible Volume Feature Flags

Incompatible Volume Feature Flags indicate that the volume uses newer features that may not be supported by older APFS implementations and are not fully backward compatible with older standards. Implementations not supporting these features will likely have problems mounting the volume and are encouraged not to do so. These bit-flags are stored in the apfs_incompatible_features field of the Volume Superblock.

Name Value Description
APFS_INCOMPAT_CASE_INSENSITIVE 0x00000001 Filenames on this volume are case insensitive
APFS_INCOMPAT_DATALESS_SNAPS 0x00000002 At least one snapshot with no data exists for this volume
APFS_INCOMPAT_ENC_ROLLED 0x00000004 This volumeʼs encryption has changed keys at least once
APFS_INCOMPAT_NORMALIZATION_INSENSITIVE 0x00000008 Filenames on this volume are normalization insensitive
APFS_INCOMPAT_INCOMPLETE_RESTORE 0x00000010 This volume is being restored, or a restore operation to this volume was uncleanly aborted
APFS_INCOMPAT_SEALED_VOLUME 0x00000020 This volume can’t be modified
APFS_INCOMPAT_RESERVED_40 0x00000040 reserved

Volume Flags

Volume Flags are used to indicate additional information about the volume’s status. This bit-field is stored in the apfs_flags field of the Volume Superblock.

Name Value Description
APFS_FS_UNENCRYPTED 0x00000001 The volume is not encrypted
APFS_FS_RESERVED_2 0x00000002 reserved
APFS_FS_RESERVED_4 0x00000004 reserved
APFS_FS_ONEKEY 0x00000008 Files on the volume are all encrypted using the volume encryption key (VEK)
APFS_FS_SPILLEDOVER 0x00000010 The volume has run out of allocated space on the solid-state drive
APFS_FS_RUN_SPILLOVER_CLEANER 0x00000020 The volume has spilled over and the spillover cleaner must be run
APFS_FS_ALWAYS_CHECK_EXTENTREF 0x00000040 The volume’s extent reference tree is always consulted when deciding whether to overwrite an extent
APFS_FS_RESERVED_80 0x00000080 reserved
APFS_FS_RESERVED_100 0x00000100 reserved

Volume Roles

In most instances, an APFS Volume is marked as having a defined role. The presence of these roles is context specific, depending on whether the device being analyzed is running macOS or iOS. A Volume can only have a single defined role whose value is stored in the apfs_role member of the Volume Superblock.

Name Value Description
APFS_VOL_ROLE_NONE 0x0000 The volume has no defined role
APFS_VOL_ROLE_SYSTEM 0x0001 The volume contains a root directory for the system
APFS_VOL_ROLE_USER 0x0002 The volume contains users’ home directories
APFS_VOL_ROLE_RECOVERY 0x0004 The volume contains a recovery system
APFS_VOL_ROLE_VM 0x0008 The volume is used as swap space for virtual memory
APFS_VOL_ROLE_PREBOOT 0x0010 The volume contains files needed to boot from an encrypted volume
APFS_VOL_ROLE_INSTALLER 0x0020 The volume is used by the OS installer
APFS_VOL_ROLE_DATA 0x0040 The volume contains mutable data
APFS_VOL_ROLE_BASEBAND 0x0080 The volume is used by the radio firmware
APFS_VOL_ROLE_UPDATE 0x00C0 The volume is used by the software update mechanism
APFS_VOL_ROLE_XART 0x0100 The volume is used to manage OS access to secure user data
APFS_VOL_ROLE_HARDWARE 0x0140 The volume is used for firmware data
APFS_VOL_ROLE_BACKUP 0x0180 The volume is used by Time Machine to store backups
APFS_VOL_ROLE_RESERVED_7 0x01C0 reserved
APFS_VOL_ROLE_RESERVED_8 0x0200 reserved
APFS_VOL_ROLE_ENTERPRISE 0x0240 This volume is used to store enterprise-managed data
APFS_VOL_ROLE_RESERVED_10 0x0280 reserved
APFS_VOL_ROLE_PRELOGIN 0x02C0 This volume is used to store system data used before login


Volume Superblocks store record-keeping information about the tool used to create them in the apfs_formatted_by field. In this case, the id field of the apfs_modified_by_t structure will give the name and version number of the userland program used to create the volume.

These apfs_modified_by_t structures are also used to keep a history of the apfs.kext versions used for the last eight times the volume was mounted read/write. These are stored in the apfs_modified_by array field.


// Information about a program that modified the volume.
typedef struct apfs_modified_by {
    uint8_t id[APFS_MODIFIED_NAMELEN]; // 0x00
    uint64_t timestamp;                // 0x20
    xid_t last_xid;                    // 0x28
} apfs_modified_by_t;                  // 0x30
  • id: A string that identifies the program and its version
  • timestamp: The time that the program last modified this volume
  • last_xid: The time that the program last modified this volume


Locating and analyzing Volume Superblocks are essential early steps in being able to parse the contents of their file systems. Our next post will discuss the volume’s File System Tree, a specialized B-Tree that stores the bulk of the file systems’ metadata objects.

This post is part of my 2022 APFS Advent Challenge

Every weekday in the month of December, I will attempt to post a blog about APFS internals. For each day that I miss a post, I will donate $100 to support humanitarian aid for the Ukrainian people. If you find value in this series, and would like to support this effort, please consider donating to the GoFundMe. Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦

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