2022 APFS Advent Challenge Day 17 - Blazingly Fast Checksums with SIMD

Friday, December 23, 2022

Today’s post will take on a bit of a different style than the previous posts in this series. Among other things, I spent my day putting off writing the final APFS encryption blog post by pursuing another one of my New Year goals. Along the way, I wrote a Fletcher64 hashing function that can validate APFS objects at over 31 GiB/s on my 2017 iMac Pro. Rather than fighting my procrastination, I decided it would be better to share my findings. Given that my chosen learning path was directly relevant to APFS, I’m counting this as a valid APFS Advent Challenge post (and you can’t stop me!). I hope you enjoy this brief detour into the dark arts of cross-platform SIMD programming.

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2022 APFS Advent Challenge Day 16 - Wrapped Keys

Thursday, December 22, 2022

In our last post, we discussed both [Volume and Container Keybags](/post/2022/12/21/APFS-Keybags and how they protect wrapped Volume Encryption and Key Encryption Keys. Depending on whether the encrypted volume was migrated from an HFS+ encrypted Core Storage volume, there are subtle differences in how these keys are used. In this post, we will discuss the structure of these wrapped keys and how they can be used to access the raw Volume Encryption Keys that encrypt data on the file system.

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2022 APFS Advent Challenge Day 15 - Keybags

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

APFS is designed with encryption in mind and removes the need for the Core Storage layer used to provide encryption in HFS+. When you enable encryption on a volume, the entire File System Tree and the contents of files within that volume are encrypted. The type of encryption depends on the capabilities of the hardware that it is running on. For example, hardware encryption is used for internal storage on devices that support it, such as macOS computers with T2, M1, or M2 security chips and all iOS devices. Software encryption is used for external and internal storage devices without hardware encryption support. It’s worth noting that when hardware encryption is used, the data cannot be decrypted on any other device. For our purposes, we will focus on the software encryption mechanisms used in macOS. The hardware encryption functions similarly, but the security chip must broker all decryption operations.

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2022 APFS Advent Challenge Day 14 - Sealed Volumes

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

With the release of macOS 11, Apple added a security feature to APFS called sealed volumes. Sealed volumes can be used to cryptographically verify the contents of the read-only system volume as an additional layer of protection against rootkits and other malware that may attempt to replace critical components of the operating system. Sealed volumes have subtle differences from some of the properties of file systems that we’ve discussed so far.

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2022 APFS Advent Challenge Day 13 - Data Streams

Monday, December 19, 2022

Data in APFS that is too large to store within records are stored elsewhere on disk and referenced by data streams (dstreams). Similar to non-resident attributes in NTFS, APFS data streams manage a set of extents that reference the number and order of blocks on the disk which contain external data. In this post, we will discuss how data streams are used in APFS to manage one or more forks of data in inodes as well as their record structures in the File System Tree.

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