2022 APFS Advent Challenge Day 14 - Sealed Volumes

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

With the release of macOS 11, Apple added a security feature to APFS called sealed volumes. Sealed volumes can be used to cryptographically verify the contents of the read-only system volume as an additional layer of protection against rootkits and other malware that may attempt to replace critical components of the operating system. Sealed volumes have subtle differences from some of the properties of file systems that we’ve discussed so far.

Identifying a Sealed Volume

Sealed volumes can be identified by checking for the APFS_INCOMPAT_SEALED_VOLUME flag in the apfs_incompatible_features field of their Volume Superblock. In addition, the apfs_integrity_meta_oid and apfs_fext_tree_oid fields must have non-zero values.

An Integrity Metadata Object stores information about the sealed volume. This is a virtual object that is owned by the volume’s Object Map and whose object identifier can be found in the apfs_integrity_meta_oid field of the Volume Superblock. On disk, it is stored as an integrity_meta_phys_t structure.

typedef struct integrity_meta_phys {
    obj_phys_t im_o;               // 0x00
    uint32_t im_version;           // 0x20
    uint32_t im_flags;             // 0x24
    apfs_hash_type_t im_hash_type; // 0x28
    uint32_t im_root_hash_offset;  // 0x2C
    xid_t im_broken_xid;           // 0x30
    uint64_t im_reserved[9];       // 0x38
} integrity_meta_phys_t;           // 0x80
  • im_o: The object’s header
  • im_version: The version of the data structure
  • im_flags: The configuration flags
  • im_hash_type: The hash algorithm that is used
  • im_root_hash_offset: The offset (in bytes) of the root hash relative to the start of the object
  • im_broken_xid: The identifier of the transaction that unsealed the volume
  • im_reserved: reserved (only in version 2 or above)

Integrity Metadata Flags

Name Value Description
APFS_SEAL_BROKEN 0x00000001 The volume was modified after being sealed, breaking its seal

Hash Types

Name Value Description
APFS_HASH_INVALID 0 An invalid hash algorithm
APFS_HASH_SHA256 0x1 The SHA-256 variant of Secure Hash Algorithm 2
APFS_HASH_SHA512_256 0x2 The SHA-512/256 variant of Secure Hash Algorithm 2
APFS_HASH_SHA384 0x3 The SHA-384 variant of Secure Hash Algorithm 2
APFS_HASH_SHA512 0x4 The SHA-512 variant of Secure Hash Algorithm 2

File System Tree

Sealed Volumes can ensure integrity by hashing the contents of their File System Trees. This hashing necessitates some slight differences to the B-Tree. These modified B-Trees can be identified by the BTREE_HASHED and BTREE_NOHEADER flags being set in their B-Tree Info.

In standard B-Trees, non-leaf nodes store the object identifier of their children in the value-half of their entries. “Hashed” B-Trees instead use btn_index_node_val_t structures for this purpose, which store the cryptographic hash of the child node’s contents along with its identifier. Hashed nodes are also stored as headerless objects, with their 32-byte header being zeroed out.


typedef struct btn_index_node_val {
    oid_t binv_child_oid;                              // 0x00
    uint8_t binv_child_hash[BTREE_NODE_HASH_SIZE_MAX]; // 0x08
} btn_index_node_val_t;                                // 0x48
  • binv_child_oid: The object identifier of the child node
  • binv_child_hash: The hash of the child node

Data Stream Extents

As we discussed yesterday, Data Streams store their extents as file system records in the File System Tree. Sealed Volumes store extents in a separate File Extent Tree, whose virtual object identifier is stored in the apfs_fext_tree_oid of the Volume Superblock.

The key-half of the File Extent Tree entries are fext_tree_key_t structures and are sorted first by private_id and then by logical_addr.

typedef struct fext_tree_key {
    uint64_t private_id;   // 0x00
    uint64_t logical_addr; // 0x08
} fext_tree_key_t;         // 0x10
  • private_id: The object identifier of the file
  • logical_addr: The offset (in bytes) within the file’s data for the data stored in this extent

The value-half takes the form of a fext_tree_val_t structure. Its fields are interpreted in the same way as the j_file_extent_val fields. There is no crypto_id because sealed system volumes are never encrypted.

typedef struct fext_tree_val {
    uint64_t len_and_flags;  // 0x00
    uint64_t phys_block_num; // 0x08
} fext_tree_val_t;           // 0x10
  • len_and_flags: A bit field that contains the length of the extent and its flags
  • phys_block_num: The starting physical block address of the extent


Sealed Volumes in APFS provide an extra layer of security by allowing macOS to verify its system volume cryptographically. This post described some of the subtle differences in analyzing sealed volumes.

This post is part of my 2022 APFS Advent Challenge

Every weekday in the month of December, I will attempt to post a blog about APFS internals. For each day that I miss a post, I will donate $100 to support humanitarian aid for the Ukrainian people. If you find value in this series, and would like to support this effort, please consider donating to the GoFundMe. Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦

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